Linggo, Hulyo 8, 2012

.... destiny's game is the hardest..

can't find out what must be the best answer..
whatever you choose right nor left..
isn't right..
only later you'll find out..
what must not..
and what is must..
when you already choose..
what seems to be the best option for you..
how to win in such a game that there's no winner..
how to conquer the pain of loosing..
specially when you know you can't do anything..
to make things work the way you wanted it to be..
it seems to be fair and at peace on the beginning..
but suddenly the chaos started again..
the game started again..
why this horrible things happened..
this game i used to quit..why can't i just quit and walk away..
i must move i must walk i must stand and never look back never entertain any voices,..
just walk straight forward..
knowing if i continue walking..
or if i stay it will lead to my suffering..
nothing will change..
but i can change my views over the situation..
that's all i can do for now..
to say goodbye.. 

Sabado, Mayo 26, 2012

I hear a familiar voice only my heart remembers
every notes of the song.. weakens me..
weakens my legs.. weakens every part of me..
tears fall.. wounds become fresh..
Yes I'm hurting... 
but I try my best to hide and control my emotions..
I wanted to say stay with me and never go..
but I must not..
you must be happy..
and you'll be happy without me..
I must go far farther than this..
I must be strong stronger than this..
I must moved forward..
and wait till destiny decides..
with or without you..
soon I'll find out..

Huwebes, Mayo 24, 2012

I miss the days when:

Boys had cootiesRecess was too short.Life was too long.Decisions were easy, to choose by "eni, meanie, mini, mo."Only skinned knees brought tears.And when boys were yucky.Goodbye only meant until tomorrow.When your clothes didn't need to match.The only race issues where who ran faster.A promise was a high five.being mad lasted for only 5 minutes.founders keepers, losers weepers.tag was the funnest game in the didn't matter what you wore to go outside.your shoes had your superhero on take showers together.sharing drinks meant your sharing fight over a toy.going to the store without your parents made you was an exciting thing.buying your first bra was embarrassing.there were no big dollar/peso meant the world to eat everything your mom makes at sit around watching cartoons all day.the dentist was a monster.a lollipop could make your boo boo go away.all that mattered was being the first to get to the swings.the only pain felt was having scratched knees.And fun went on forever, without a broken heart..

Biyernes, Abril 20, 2012

till we meet again..

This time maybe..

If another chances is about to open.
And this might be as small as a pea.
I will surely grab it this time.
I will listen to my heart and ignore my mind..

I will shout to the world 
Words that you've been waiting for so long..
I will prove it to you 
That I love you and I will always do;

This time maybe 
Will be our day our forever
This time maybe It will never end..
You and me Together..

Love may seems to fail us so many times 
Like what you've said what the f*ck!
But if it's real it's not the end for sure.
Because true love never fails.

I love you, you love me 
And now I am 101% sure
We are meant to be..
You were created for me..

this time maybe..
I will love you in every second of my life.
This time surely,
 I will satay no matter what.

Miyerkules, Marso 7, 2012

a battle..

It started the day i saw you turning back,

the moment I see you smiling from that dark,
star shines brightly,
things change for you and for me,

I thought it was dream soon to come true,
the dream I always thought to be with you.,
never suspected the nightmare is about to unfold,
the suffering I was to be in, wasn't ever told.
Then, i realize it's not that easy,
to regain what we had,
my heart says you can.
But my mind disagree,

later the war begins,
war between my heart and mind,
i was confuse and don't know what to do.,
i'm afraid to break myself again.,
afraid to endure the same pain.,
and it's hard to admit that after all
those tears and pain,
my heart never stop on beating
I try to ignore what heart is shouting.
Then i did not notice i was already losing
i kept on fighting.
My mind grew stronger,
but my heart is weakening,
so it happened..
I lost the fight..
You and me, never a 'we' now apart.

I found myself alone in the dark,

my heart is breaking apart,
the scar suddenly bleeds
oh what do i deed?

I had loved but hated instead
i waited for years to fix those broken pieces,
but at a moment I lost control
i hated too much and fall

all the pain bounce back to me,
now the pain lingers over my heart and body,
my tired and exhausted feet
i can't give a single move of it..

why i can't just forgive and let go,
like what my heart tells me so,
why all those bruises keep burning my soul,
burning grudges takes control

a ghost of yesterday ruins,
my future and my present..
Now i was lost and alone.
Stocked up and can't go on..

Co'z it's me to be blame.
Why i'm suffering in flame.
It burns me out..
How can i fix this broken heart.