Huwebes, Mayo 24, 2012

I miss the days when:

Boys had cootiesRecess was too short.Life was too long.Decisions were easy, to choose by "eni, meanie, mini, mo."Only skinned knees brought tears.And when boys were yucky.Goodbye only meant until tomorrow.When your clothes didn't need to match.The only race issues where who ran faster.A promise was a high five.being mad lasted for only 5 minutes.founders keepers, losers weepers.tag was the funnest game in the didn't matter what you wore to go outside.your shoes had your superhero on take showers together.sharing drinks meant your sharing fight over a toy.going to the store without your parents made you was an exciting thing.buying your first bra was embarrassing.there were no big dollar/peso meant the world to eat everything your mom makes at sit around watching cartoons all day.the dentist was a monster.a lollipop could make your boo boo go away.all that mattered was being the first to get to the swings.the only pain felt was having scratched knees.And fun went on forever, without a broken heart..

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